John 14:24 – May 16, 2022

Whoever does not love me does not keep my words; yet the word you hear is not mine but that of the Father who sent me. John 14:24 NABRE                

Jesus speaks to His disciples about love and His relationship with His Father. Jesus is in complete communion with the Father. He speaks to His disciples about loving Him and if they do not love Him they will not keep His words. Which makes the converse true, if you do not keep the words of Jesus then you do not show love. Jesus words include showing love for others, caring, sharing and giving. Jesus further indicates that the words He shares are not His words but the words of His Father who sent Him. Loving often means doing for the one who is loved. Jesus and the Father love everyone, the good and the evil, and want to do everything for others. Jesus message of love is about furthering His love through guiding us to extend love as well. The words the Father has given to Jesus to share, are words of love, love is the total message. We don’t succeed in any of Jesus’ plans if we do not love.

A mother with a child is all love, provided things are normal. Caring for an elderly parent requires all love. Often what we see is a romanticized version of love, often, I do good for you and you do good for me. But the love Jesus desires is selfless serving which includes hardship and suffering. It is difficult to care for those who need help and who we struggle to see their goodness. It is easy to love those who love us, but to love those who are not loveable, it is humanly impossible. Jesus tells us God sends an Advocate to help give us gifts to love, especially those who don’t seem loveable. We must always rely on God for grace, without God we cannot not love fully. Listen to the words of Jesus, who speaks the words of the one who sent Him.

Who do you love? How do you show your love?

It is easy to love those who love us, but to love those who are not loveable, it is humanly impossible. Share on X

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