John 6:64 – May 7, 2022

“But there are some of you who do not believe.” Jesus knew from the beginning the ones who would not believe and the one who would betray him. John 6:64 NABRE                

Jesus has spoken to those following about being the bread that has come down from heaven. After telling them they must eat His body and drink his blood many stopped following, in fact most. Before they leave Jesus turns asks if they are shocked by what He is saying. He knows there are some who do not believe, and it is only by being granted access by the Father are people drawn to Jesus. It is the Father who puts Jesus in the hearts of people who become followers. We know it is a unique calling to be a follower of Jesus, many become Christian but many more are not. God seems to have created many paths to attain unity with God, Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, and others. All people are created by the one God, as monotheist we believe this has to be true. Does God only love those He created that follow Jesus? It seems unlikely. Jesus is the way to the Father, but obviously not the only way. Those who believe in Jesus’ message of life, have been granted access through God. God has other paths for those who are not granted access. Soon after this discussion many leave Jesus with a few of His closest disciples.

Jesus also knows who will not believe from the beginning. As Jesus is preaching and teaching, He is aware that His words will not touch all hearts, and He may even know the individual hearts that will not be touched. But He doesn’t give a halfhearted effort, Jesus fully commits to the will of the Father and works tirelessly to accomplish all He is sent to accomplish. It is in the doing that Jesus succeeds, and knowing God has big enough plan to touch all hearts in some way.

Did God put Jesus in your heart? How did you first feel drawn to Jesus’ message?

Those who believe in Jesus’ message of life, have been granted access through God. God has other paths for those who are not granted access. Many leave Jesus except for a few of His closest disciples. Share on X

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