Luke 24:38 – April 21, 2022

Then he said to them, “Why are you troubled? And why do questions arise in your hearts?” Luke 24:38 NABRE                

Jesus’ eleven disciples are together speaking about the events which occurred since Jesus’ death and resurrection. While gathered Christ appears in their midst and though Jesus told them He would die and rise and others have told them the tomb is empty and angels are proclaiming Christ is alive, they are still stunned when they see Him. Christ knows they have questions in their hearts. They see Him, they know who He is and yet they cannot accept the reality they see. Christ has to talk them into the fact He is standing there alive and He uses the wounds He received on the cross as evidence it is Him. Just to be sure they understand, He tells them He has flesh, He is not a ghost and claims to be hungry so they can see Him eat a piece of fish. They cannot believe what their eyes see, it takes time for them to accept all that is happening.

We accept what we hear through the gospel stories, this story of Christ standing among those who knew Him, eating with them, not healed completely, still wounded and we realize His wounds are permanent. A constant reminder of what humanity has done to Christ. His wounds are a reminder that we are all wounded, we suffer, and we have pain. Our suffering should guide us to look to Christ, He is the first to go through this redemptive suffering. His wounds say look what humanity has done to me, and it will do the same to you. But suffering can no longer hurt after death and resurrection. We will die and rise, Christ is the first and we all follow. Do not be troubled. Have faith, not questions.

What do you believe about the wounds of Christ? Can you image seeing a wounded Christ?

Jesus' wounds say look what humanity has done to me, and it will do the same to you. But suffering can no longer hurt after death and resurrection. We will die and rise, Christ is the first and we all follow. Share on X

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