Luke 24:17 – April 20, 2022

He asked them, “What are you discussing as you walk along?” They stopped, looking downcast. Luke 24:17 NABRE                

Two people are leaving Jerusalem after the death and resurrection of Jesus. They are disciples of Jesus but maybe not close disciples. As they walk along a road to their village, they are talking about all that has happened during the Passover Festival.  They have to be somewhat amazed that Jesus who seems so big and above everyone is able to be taken, killed and put in a tomb. They are still not sure if Christ is resurrected, they hear the buzz Jesus is not in the tomb, some women from the group have seen angels who said He is alive, but these two are still leaving, they don’t really accept the idea Christ is alive, it is too hard. As they are walking along talking, Christ joins them on the road but they are unable to recognize Him. As He joins, he asks, what are you discussing? He asks other questions of them as they walk along. God wants to hear from us, God often asks questions and we as a reader of the text know God knows the answer to the questions He asks. Christ doesn’t need to ask about the events, He was there.

God gives us a chance to explore our own mind. We think but may have scattered thoughts, only when asked can we put clarity and boundaries to our thought as we express an answer to another person or being. Often in journaling we bring focus and insight to our thoughts, about our spiritual journey, and clarifying questions. In scripture God asks, what do you want. Even when someone stands before Jesus needing healing, He still asks, what do you want. When we are asked about what we want, particularly by God, we recognize we are seen, we know God knows us. God models relationships for us, be interested in others.

How do you feel being asked questions about yourself? Do you journal about the joy and/or sadness of your day?

When we are asked about what we want, particularly by God, we recognize we are seen, we know God knows us. God models relationships for us, be interested in others. Share on X

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