Luke 2:50 – March 19, 2022

But they did not understand what he said to them. Luke 2:50 NABRE                

Jesus travels with His parents to Jerusalem for a feast and when the feast ends a caravan heading back to Nazareth leaves without Him. His parents did not discover Him missing until the end of the first day’s journey, but when they do they return to Jerusalem to look for Him. Having great anxiety it takes three days to find Him. When they find Him in the temple Luke mentions He has been asking questions and He astounds with His understanding  Finding Him, His parents ask, why have you done this to us. Jesus responds, why are you looking for me, you should know I am in my Father’s house. His parents do not understand His response. Jesus’ response leads us to believe He is aware God is His Father. But Mary and Joseph do not recognize this response, though they have the same awareness. Luke wants us to know Jesus knows Gods is His physical Father, not just His Spiritual Father. Luke tells us Jesus parents don’t understand, yet this is all that is said. More most have been discussed that is not recorded; it is difficult to imagine parents of a lost child not probing deeper to understand why their child didn’t behave as expected. 

But we have a good message allowing us to know not everyone understands Jesus. The message of Jesus is rich and full of meaning, often scholars try to guide us in what it means, but the word is for all who hear it to understand as they are able. We shouldn’t allow others to tell us our impression is wrong, God’s word is living and alive in us and our understanding may not satisfy everyone but it is what we need to know to journey toward God. Trust the Spirit in you providing meaning you need to have.

Do you understand everything Jesus has spoken? Have you discovered a growth in understanding as you move closer to God?

God's word is living and alive in us and our understanding may not satisfy everyone but it is what we need to know to journey toward God. Trust the Spirit in you providing meaning you need to have. Click To Tweet

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