Luke 11:30 – March 9, 2022

Just as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, so will the Son of Man be to this generation. Luke 11:30 NABRE                

Jesus is asked for a sign by those around Him that will demonstrate He truly is sent by God. Jesus responds there is no sign except the sign of Jonah. Jonah is a prophet sent by God to the Ninevites to tell them they are condemned for behaving in evil ways. Jonah fears God and tries to avoid the task, God convinces Jonah to follow His will. When Jonah finally speaks to the people of Nineveh they choose to change their ways, sacrificing and honoring God, hoping for God’s forgiveness. God does forgive them, sparing their lives and allowing them to become an example for the future. In fact the people of Nineveh are an example that Jesus uses when challenging those looking for a sign, saying the Ninevites will judge them in the final judgement.

Jonah’s prophecy is a sign to the Ninevites and his prophetic pronouncements are heeded by the people of Nineveh. Jesus compares His own preaching and prophecy to Jonah, indicating that in Him there is someone much greater than Jonah. Jesus’ preaching is spoken with authority and is inspirational to those who listen. Additionally, Jesus shows He really cares for the people, healing those who need it and He is loving and compassionate to all. Jonah is a reluctant prophet while Jesus is willing to do all the Father needs of Him. So if the evil Nineties listen to Jonah it amazes Jesus people don’t listen to Him. He is warning about a life that will have them judged by the people of Nineveh and condemned. Jesus wants people to change and we are left with the impression He doesn’t believe they will. Changing when heading in a wrong direction is why Jesus preaches; we should listen to Him,

Do you have behaviors that should change? Do you listen to Jesus?

Jesus warns about a life of being judged and condemned. He wants people to change and we are left with the impression He doesn't believe they will. Changing when heading in a wrong direction is why Jesus preaches; we should listen to Him, Share on X

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