Matthew 16:15 – February 22, 2022

He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Matthew 16:15 NABRE                 

Jesus is known for asking questions and not often directly answering questions. We have this question from Jesus who is off with His disciples; who do you say I am. Scholars will tell us there is symbolism in the question. Moses asks God His name and God replies, “I am who I am.” (Exodus 3:13) So when we see Jesus with this “I am” we tend to link it to God’s answer to Moses. Jesus calls himself the son of man often and many think this is a prophetic link to Daniel and the coming of the anointed, the Messiah, nowhere is the messiah predicted to be the son of God. Those who read great symbolism in the scriptures see Jesus “I am” statements, particularly in the gospel of John as prophetic declaration He is God. 

But, the scriptures don’t need scholars, and links to other passages. This one question is for everyone. Jesus asks His disciples who they say He is and this question is one for us as well. Who do we say Jesus is? There is much written about the coming of the Messiah and about Jesus, but there is no real declaration by Jesus He is God. Jesus tells three separate people He is the Messiah but for the most part He leaves the “who He is” question up to those listening, reading, or hearing His story. Is Jesus divine? Is Jesus really God? Religious organizations answer these questions in their doctrine. But Jesus asks the question of us. The scriptures exists so we can read and know Jesus, we can have a relationship with the person of Jesus, and we can know God. They help us understand but we also must know Jesus. Jesus desires we enter the kingdom of God, a state of consciousness for here and now. Jesus lived in this kingdom and we can as well. But we have to get the question right; who is Jesus.

Who do you say Jesus is? Are you able to know Jesus? 

Jesus desires we enter the kingdom of God, a state of consciousness for here and now. Jesus lived in this kingdom and we can as well. But we have to get the question right; who is Jesus. Share on X

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