Mark 9:2 – February 19, 2022

After six days Jesus took Peter, James, and John and led them up a high mountain apart by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, Mark 9:2 NABRE                

Mark writes the story of Jesus’ transfiguration, His human form radiating His divinity as the Son of God, He is seen in glory as He will be in the future. His look changes to a dazzling white, we can image He glows. In the moment Jesus speaks to Elijah and Moses, the prophet and the law, as well as hearing the voice of God proclaim Jesus as His Son, an overriding elocution about listening to Jesus. It is a magnificent event, one that affirms Jesus in His role as the One who is to do the will of the Father but also provides an unforgettable image for the three disciples Jesus has included. They see the Hebrew holy men, as well as hear the voice of God, it is something that will be spoken about after Jesus has returned to His Father. The symbolism is wonderful, they go to a high mountain to meet God. They are apart from the others and by themselves with Jesus. Apparently Jesus is aware something will happen on the mountain, and He wants three of his disciples to witness the events so they will be able to share their experience, sharing with Mark and the other gospel writers allowing us to read this testimony today.

It is not clear how much Jesus understands about the events in front of Him, does He know every day where He will meet God, or what miracle He will be asked to perform? Jesus gives the impression He knows much about the future, but we can also assume He was a man who trusted God. What is clear is He desires these events of His public life to be seen, so that we may know them and be able to contemplate their meaning. The gospels are for everyone, no training required, just an open heart.

Do you read the gospels? Do they impress you?

Jesus desires the events of His public life be seen, so that we may know them and be able to contemplate their meaning. The gospels are for everyone, no training required, just an open heart. Share on X

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