Mark 8:37 – February 18, 2022

What could one give in exchange for his life? Mark 8:37 NABRE                

Jesus teaches what it means, or really what it cost to be His disciple. Jesus begins by saying if you want to follow Him you must deny yourself. Everything in Jesus’ ministry is outward looking, to care more for the other than self. Jesus has come for others, and He leads so that followers care more for others as well. Of course Jesus has no delusions about this being easy, He says it will be taking up a cross to follow Him, in other words there is hardship in being His disciples. But in the kingdom of God those who hang on tightly to their own life, will most likely lose it, while those who freely give up their life for the sake of Jesus’ message will save it. You do for others, follow Jesus message, and your life will be glorified. Then Jesus challenges those listening by asking what could you give in exchange for your life. For Jesus if we think we can protect ourselves, or promote ourselves we will find we don’t have that kind of control. We must depend on God to have a life that is full.

But our life has great value and Jesus asks what could be given in exchange for our life. It is a rhetorical question but with an implied promise. If you give up something of great value, your life, you will receiving something of greater value in return from God. Of course giving up our life to be a follower, is not completely losing our life, we are asked to have small short term hardships, and in the end we will receive great gain long-term. To be a disciple is to be fully promised a place in the kingdom of God, a place of unity with God and love. Give up your life now and gain so much more from God. We can never out give God.

Do you give up your life for others? Are you able to comprehend God’s abundant giving?

To be a disciple is to be fully promised a place in the kingdom of God, a place of unity with God and love. Give up your life now and gain so much more from God. We can never out give God. Share on X

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