Mark 4:20 – January 26, 2022

But those sown on rich soil are the ones who hear the word and accept it and bear fruit thirty and sixty and a hundredfold. Mark 4:20 NABRE                

Jesus preaches a parable of a sower sowing seeds; which fall on a path, rocky ground, among thorns and in rich soil. It is only the seeds falling in rich soil which take root producing fruit. The seed is the word of God. The sower Is sowing the word. Seeds which have incomplete roots do not grow and fall away. Just as those who hear the word of God but don’t allow it to take root in them and fail to become disciples of Jesus. Only by taking in the word of God, living it daily and deepening it in discipleship can a marvelous effect occur. Rooted disciples are like rich soil, they hear the word, accept it and bear fruit. It is the seed itself that actively does the work. When we first meet Jesus it is grace that allows that word to grow in us and lead us deeper, becoming devoted followers willing to do the work God needs us to perform. It is this cooperation with God that produces good fruit. It is not enough to just hear the word of Jesus, we must take it in, ponder and understand it. Taking the word to heart we allow it to transform our whole life. We are not meant to live two lives, one spiritual and one secular, we are to live one spiritual life. In this spiritual life we live in the world but all we do iso colored by the transformation we receive through grace.

This small seed planted in us will grow and become an overwhelming tree which reaches through us completely. The seed of God’s word grows in us to the point where we have the life of Jesus formed in us. Our entire life goal is to be Jesus in the world, and it begins with a small seed and culminates in full transformation when we come face to face with Jesus.

Do you desire to grow the word within you? Do you cooperate with God?

Our entire life goal is to be Jesus in the world, and it begins with a small seed and culminates in full transformation when we come face to face with Jesus. Share on X

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