Mark 3:20 – January 22, 2022

He came home. Again [the] crowd gathered, making it impossible for them even to eat. Mark 3:20 NABRE                

After selecting twelve disciples as apostles Jesus returns to home to rest and regroup. But Jesus is so popular people needing healing and exorcism gather before He and His disciples are even able to eat. People seek Jesus for what He can do for them. It is not surprising, when someone who struggles in some way for a long time they will do anything for peace. Those who came to Jesus want their pain to stop. The gospel writer Mark never explains how the word about Jesus is spread, but people hear of Jesus the miracle worker and they come to Him seeking His healing hand. We hear so much about Jesus worship and praise, a call to have a personal relationship with Jesus, but we rarely are called to healing ministries. A major aspect of Jesus’ public ministry centers on healing people and yet as followers today we don’t try to do the same. Churches exist to spread the word of Jesus, to help and serve others, but it is rare to find a church focused on healing. Jesus passes authority to preach and heal to His disciples but we don’t see much from the church on healing. John the gospel writer tells us Jesus does so many things that if they were all recorded the entire world could not contain the books (21:25.)

Needy people came to Jesus and wouldn’t let Him eat. Through Jesus their lives improved, physically and spiritually. Today we focus on the spiritual matters of Jesus public ministry but not the physical side of life improvement. We, as disciples can and should heal, this is what Jesus would do today. Trust you have the ability to heal and do it.

Do you try to heal others? Do you believe healing is part of being a disciple?

Today we focus on the spiritual matters of Jesus public ministry but not the physical side of life improvement. We, as disciples can and should heal, this is what Jesus would do today. Trust you have the ability to heal and do it. Share on X

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