Luke 21:19 – November 24, 2021

By your perseverance you will secure your lives. Luke 21:19 NABRE                

Jesus is teaching about persecution in His name. Any followers who present the message of Jesus will be seized and persecuted. Jesus is speaking these words to His followers in the moment, but the word lives in followers today. There is less seizing and persecution today, it is more subtle, except in certain places, but none-the-less there is a price to be paid being a follower of Jesus. Jesus even describes that it will be family members who hate followers of Jesus, particularly those who have a contrasting effect on the family. Though Jesus paints this picture of persecution and hatred He concludes by saying not a hair of a followers head will be destroyed. For people portraying the message of Jesus it is their perseverance that secures their lives. There will be difficult times but Jesus guarantees it will all be worth it and all who preach in His name will be safe. 

Many would think Jesus’ message about persecution ties in with the destruction of Jerusalem but Christians have been persecuted beginning with Jesus to this day. Jesus declares those who are hated because of His name, these disciples will receive blessings as Jesus promised in the Beatitudes, there will be great reward in heaven. God’s providential care for all who come to Him through Jesus insures not a hair is harmed and the work done will bear fruit because of the disciple’s perseverance. With God it is often when things look bleakest that His providence delivers.

Have family members seen you as strange because of your faith in Jesus? Have you experienced persecution in your life because of Jesus?

God's providential care for all who come to Him through Jesus insures not a hair is harmed and the work done will bear fruit because of the disciple's perseverance. With God it is often when things look bleakest that His providence delivers. Share on X

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