Luke 21:6 – November 23, 2021

All that you see here-the days will come when there will not be left a stone upon another stone that will not be thrown down.” Luke 21:6 NABRE                

While Jesus is teaching in the temple people begin to speak about its beauty and opulence with admiration. Jesus addresses their comments by sharing about the temple’s impending destruction. Jesus has called the temple a den of thieves and doesn’t approve of the activity taking place when he arrives. For the Hebrew people the temple and in particular the Holy of Holies represents the presence of God, it is the place where heaven and earth have a spiritual junction. The Holy of Holies means the Most Holy place. In the first temple built by Solomon the Holy of Holies held the Ark of the Covenant the second temple built by Herod, the one Jesus is speaking about, represents the Ark with a raised floor, but only has a spiritual presence of God. Jesus informs those listening the temple will be destroyed, no stone left on another. This prediction is fulfilled forty years later when Romans destroy it and Jerusalem in response to a Jewish revolt.

Jesus seems to be somewhat of two minds on the temple. In one instance He is trying to bring back some sanctification by pushing out the “thieves” and calling it His Father’s House. But He is also unemotional and unaffected when announcing its destruction. For me this is Jesus’ way of teaching about places of sanctification. We need holy and quiet places representing spiritual places which allow us to connect with God. But we must also recognize these are not more important then people who make up the Body of Christ. We witness death and disrespect of people and their lives over protecting a building. We don’t want our modern day temples to be destroyed but we also need to place human life above them. We may lose a temple but better it than one life. This should be true for any property. 

Do you have a place of sanctuary? How is the presence of God represented in your life?

We don't want our modern day temples to be destroyed but we also need to place human life above them. We may lose a temple but better it than one life. This should be true for any property. Share on X

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