Luke 12:51 – October 21, 2021

Do you think that I have come to establish peace on the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. Luke 12:51 NABRE                

Jesus proclaims a time that begins a fire. A fire igniting disciples to listen to Him and follow His word. Jesus has said He has come to set the earth on fire. He is fulfilling the words of John the Baptist when he said, Jesus will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. (cf. Luke 3:16) The fire Jesus wants to ignite is a movement of hearts turning toward God. To be baptized and strengthened through God’s power and force, the Holy Spirit. Jesus knows this movement will not unilaterally and simultaneously win people over. Some people will ignite and others will lag behind or not get it at all. Jesus continues the teaching by offering what seems to be a contradiction. Jesus comes offering peace to those who accept it, but since some reject what Jesus offers, He brings division. This division will affect household relations, father, son, mother, daughter, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. We expect families can stay together no matter what, but I think we know, as seen in today’s current events, being in the same family doesn’t mean we are of the same mind. 

I remember when I discovered Jesus and following Him improved my life, those in my family looked at me differently. I didn’t let it become a reason for division, perhaps I wasn’t fully following the message or maybe they weren’t ready to create an unhealable division. But following Jesus does create differences. Even in today’s current events where we are so divided, some use Jesus as the reason to say it is ok not to be united. Those of a different mind don’t follow Jesus and therefore they are wrong. But wrong is not a word Jesus uses. We must work through division arriving on fire for Jesus.

Have you seen division because of Jesus? Are you on fire for Jesus?

Following Jesus creates differences and we might think, those of a different mind don't follow Jesus and therefore they are wrong. But wrong is not a word Jesus uses. We must work through division arriving on fire for Jesus. Share on X

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