Luke 10:8 – October 18, 2021

Whatever town you enter and they welcome you, eat what is set before you, Luke 10:8 NABRE                

Jesus sends His disciples out to share the message of the kingdom of God. Jesus has them depend on the hospitality of those receiving them. They do not go with any special equipment that provides them aid in eating or sleeping, Jesus has them depend on a welcome. In the age of Jesus, hospitality is an important aspect of community life. The Jews are known for welcome and housing visitors, no matter when they arrive. Those welcoming visitors will also share their food and make sure the visitor is comfortable. Jesus sending the disciples helps prepare them for when He is no longer with them. While staying in town they are to accept hospitality and eat whatever is set before them. This is a comment about Jewish ritual purity, the Pharisees constantly require particular rituals to have a meal, Jesus does not make purity on the outside significant, what is important is accepting the welcome received. An important aspect of being a disciple is to allow others to provide care and giving, Jesus teaches this through example. 

Jesus will also tell His disciples that if they are not welcomed to leave the town and shake the dust from their feet. This is an example of a community salvation. Jesus does not declare if they feel unwelcome to try another house, but to leave the entire town. This is not necessarily a condemnation of the entire town, at the beginning of their ministry Jesus is not interested in having His disciples meet with opposition. They are to accept welcome and remove themselves from unwelcome. Ultimately salvation is for all and we see this corporate approach from Jesus in His early training of his disciples. 

Do you welcome the stranger? How do you react when you are not welcomed?

Early, Jesus is not interested in having His disciples meet with opposition. They are to accept welcome and remove themselves from unwelcome. Ultimately salvation is for all and we see this corporate approach from Jesus in His early training. Share on X

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