Luke 12:7 – October 15, 2021

Even the hairs of your head have all been counted. Do not be afraid. You are worth more than many sparrows. Luke 12:7 NABRE                 

Jesus has called the religious leaders hypocrites and He warns His disciples to beware as they face the possibility of being persecuted by these very leaders. Jesus indicates the Pharisee’s are a corrupting influence on the people. So everything Jesus and His disciples are trying to accomplish can be undermined by the leaders and those whom they influence. Jesus warns the disciples not to fear, the worst anyone can do to them is kill the body, and this is not a reason to fear. If there is a reason to fear, it should be fear of the One who has the power to cast them into Gehenna. Gehenna is a place of misery, some might interpret it as hell. Jesus is saying there is one who can give eternal misery or joy and He is the only One to fear. Jesus is putting the life of the body in relative perspective, eternal life is the most important aspect of life, thus fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10.) Fearing the Lord means trusting in God’s providential care, and there is no reason to be afraid. God knows the number of hairs on our heads and He also knows everything about us, including the most important aspects of our lives. Rather than fear, a disciple should focus on witnessing to or acknowledging Jesus and His mission to bring the kingdom of God. 

Jesus points to the leaders as scaring the people, they will lose their freedom or become enslaved. We see this today, leaders seeking power willing to influence their supporters into evoking cultural clashes. Creating fear is the best way to cement support, scare people and blame the other side. Jesus says fear God alone and know He desires the best for you. Have no fear of losing life, only eternal life.

What do you fear? How do you overcome fear?

Creating fear is the best way to cement support, scare people and blame the other side. Jesus says fear God alone and know He desires the best for you. Have no fear of losing life, only eternal life. Share on X

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