Luke 11:40 – October 12, 2021

You fools! Did not the maker of the outside also make the inside? Luke 11:40 NABRE                

Jesus is invited to dine at the home of a Pharisee, who is amazed that Jesus does not observe the prescribed washing before the meal. Before the meal Jews had a custom of ritual purity, not required by Moses but added by later traditions. Jesus recognizing the Pharisees displeasure with Him begins to reprove him, calling him a fool. These religious leaders are concerned about the outside yet they neglect the inside where moral condemnation originates. An external washing is useless if inside they are filled with plunder and evil. Jesus declares the maker of the outside also made the inside and if there is no internal cleansing then there is no purity. Jesus says to cleanse what is within we must give; food, money, shelter, or clothing to the poor. Serving others purifies the inside of each of us because we cannot give with a hateful heart. 

Jesus uses the opportunity of dinning with a Pharisee to teach about giving to others. We are called to help one another, serve one another, love one another. When we give we are changed. Sometimes we may not give for the right reason but in time our giving will soften our hearts. Seeing others helped and able to stand up on their own is a great act of a Christian love and community. The gospel of Jesus is filled with examples of Him feeding, healing, helping and it is the heart of the message of the kingdom of God. Not everyone can do it on their own so Jesus teaches we are to help one another. It is more blessed to give then receive (cf. Acts 20:35.)

How are you changed after giving? Is giving a great sacrifice for you?

The gospel of Jesus is filled with examples of Him feeding, healing, helping and it is the heart of the message of the kingdom of God. Not everyone can do it on their own so Jesus teaches we are to help one another. Share on X

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