Luke 11:24 – October 8, 2021

When an unclean spirit goes out of someone, it roams through arid regions searching for rest but, finding none, it says, “I shall return to my home from which I came.” Luke 11:24 NABRE                

Jesus has driven out a demon from a person who was mute and is healed. It begins a discussion with those onlookers wondering if perhaps Jesus’ power comes from “the prince of demons.” It demonstrates the kind of resistance Jesus is up against trying to bring the message of the kingdom of God to the people. There are always naysayers and unbelievers. Jesus declares the foolishness of this point, if demons are expelling demons isn’t that demons divided against themselves. Every kingdom divided against itself will come to ruin. Jesus makes the point that His authority comes from God, or in this case the Holy Spirit. It is an important point because Jesus goes on to warn even if a unclean spirit is exorcised, it will roam looking for a new home and unable to find one may returned from where is has been exorcised.

For us the message is; we must pick a side. We can’t be neutral in our journey, we are either for Jesus or against Him. We are to accept the Holy Spirit and be filled with a spirit leaving no room for an unclean spirit to enter or reenter. Trying to be uncommitted only makes us vulnerable to selfishness and greed, spirits of sinfulness and ultimately doom. We must battle every day to choose Jesus. Allowing our guard to be lowered allows destructive desires take us on a path of sinfulness. Whether we believe in evil actors or not, the case still remains that if we are not working to be good it is very likely we can be convinced to do bad. There is no middle road in the fight of good versus evil.

Do you work daily to seek out goodness? Do you work daily to welcome the Holy Spirit?

Whether we believe in evil actors or not, the case still remains that if we are not working to be good it is very likely we can be convinced to do bad. There is no middle road in the fight of good versus evil. Share on X

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