Matthew 13:43 – July 27, 2021

Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Whoever has ears ought to hear. Matthew 13:43 NABRE           

Jesus is alone with his disciples and they ask Him to explain a parable. He has done this before and now explains the parable of weeds in the field. He names the characters in the parable, the sower is the Son of Man, the good seeds are the children of the kingdom, the weeds are the children of the evil one, the enemy who sows weeds in the field is the devil and the harvest is the end of the age. In the parable the weeds and wheat are harvested at the same time with the weeds bundled for the fire and the wheat stored for the future. Overall the parable urges patience and perseverance in the presence of evil in the world. Evil cannot be completely avoided. 

Jesus ends his explanation with a message of shinning for the righteous. The righteous are the good children, those who follow and obey the will of the Father. Jesus is righteous, along with many others and more to become righteous. Jesus is closing this explanation declaring there is a need for a shining of the path to the kingdom, and people are the light that shines the way. Jesus depends on those who live according to the gospel message. When we live as Jesus teaches then we become stars shinning in the world, a bright light pointing the way for others to follow. The entire plan of God for a life lived in His love is for one person to lead another, for communities to form that provide support and example and for the world to slowly turn toward goodness over time. We must shine like the sun, a brightness that overwhelms evil and provides clear sight to good. 

Are you shinning the way? Where does your life lead others?

The entire plan of God for a life lived in His love is for one person to lead another, for communities to form that provide support and example and for the world to slowly turn toward goodness over time. Share on X

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