Matthew 12:2 – July 16, 2021

When the Pharisees saw this, they said to him, “See, your disciples are doing what is unlawful to do on the sabbath.” Matthew 12:2 NABRE         

To the Jews of the first century following the law is not only a matter of private piety but also of national security. Jeremiah has said the destruction of the temple in 586 BC by Babylon occurred because Israel did not keep the Sabbath holy. So when Jesus and His disciples walk through a field hungry and the disciples pick grain to eat the Pharisees see it as a breaking of the sabbath because they view it as a kind of harvesting.  Their concern is met by Jesus by raising the discussion to a different level. Jesus compares the act to an action of King David and a second example of temple priests avoiding the law in certain cases.

In the church we will sometimes make rules that are intended to help our piety and holiness. But we can take the rules to an extreme making the rule more important than its purpose. It seems entirely possible God would not punish a hungry person for breaking a rule to satisfy their hunger, especially when there is no intention to sin. We must have balance in following rules, God is the priority and not the rules. We can use rules to help us become righteous but if exceptions are needed let us not hold others so rigidly to a rule.

Do you use rules to lead yourself to piety? Do you judge others for breaking rules?

God is the priority and not the rules. We can use rules to help us become righteous but if exceptions are needed let us not hold others so rigidly to a rule.We Share on X

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