Matthew 11:30 -July 15, 2021

For my yoke is easy, and my burden light. Matthew 11:30 NABRE

Jesus invites everyone to become a member of his discipleship team. He has a message to share and He needs help sharing that message. This will require disciples who will take the message and bring it to others in a continuous growing of more disciples and an ever expanding delivery of the message. Jesus says come to me, particularly those who are burdened, His message will unburden them. The invitation includes a summons to bear the yoke of Jesus. This is a call to submit yourself to the instruction of the Messiah. Disciples are not only to heed Jesus words but also to imitate the life He lives, which perfectly incarnates the words He shares. In Christ the message and the messenger are one and the same. For example, Jesus preaches the importance to be meek and He also shows what it means to be meek. Jesus will declare His yoke is easy, His load is light. In biblical language the yoke is a curved beam laid across the back, neck and shoulders with chains and suspension ropes at each end. Peasants used them for hoisting and carrying heavy objects. No doubt this work is back breaking. But Jesus teaches His yoke is easy. Jesus is using an example to say discipleship is not effortless but it isn’t exhausting either. It can be done and while there will be difficulties there will also be times of rest and reward. 

Disciples of Jesus will work, they will need to put others first and they will need to put the message and life of Jesus ahead of their own. But anyone can do it. Do not be afraid of the work, do not be exhausted by the hill to climb to bring Jesus to others. Everything to be done will have Jesus’ blessing and assistance, it will be an easy yoke and light burden. 

Are you working to come to Jesus? Do you seek Jesus yoke?

#How well do you know Jesus? Are you open to ask your Father for more knowledge?

Disciples of Jesus will work, they will need to put others first and they will need to put the message and life of Jesus ahead of their own. Share on X We can receive the grace of knowing Jesus, if we pray to our Father, asking for the grace of revelation. Receiving grace we can know Jesus intimately. Share on X

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