John 18:8 – April 2, 2021

Jesus answered, “I told you that I AM. So if you are looking for me, let these men go.” John 18:8 NABRE            

Judas has led temple guards to the place Jesus has gone to pray with His disciples, to have Him arrested. Jesus knowing why they are there asks them who they are looking for. When they say Jesus the Nazorean He says “I Am,” those who came prostrate themselves reacting to Jesus divine pronouncement and He asks again who they are looking for. When they repeat Jesus the Nazorean, He responds again I Am and then declares to let these men go. Though Jesus is being arrested and knows He will ultimately be crucified, He never loses sight of the fact that He is the Good Shepherd and those with Him are His sheep whom He always protects. Other gospel writings (see Matthew 26:56 and Mark 14:50-52) emphasizes that the disciples abandoned Jesus, but here John tells us it is Jesus who decrees they go and demands the arresting party let them go. I like the image of the Good Shepherd protecting His sheep, even when His own future is under threat; it is unusual and likely only the Son of God could be so mindful and caring. Jesus has prayed that He has not lost any of those the Father gave Him to fulfill His mission and we should recognize Jesus takes this promise very seriously.

Followers of Jesus are called to be good shepherd’s as well. We in one way or another are leaders, to our family, to young people who see us regularly, to other members of our Christian community and more. As leaders we should remember this moment, our Good Shepherd whose priority is always the sheep and nothing can shake Him from this awareness. At all-times Jesus protects those in His flock, we too must do the same. 

When are you a good shepherd? Are those you lead always your priority?

As leaders we should remember this moment, our Good Shepherd whose priority is always the sheep and nothing can shake Him from this awareness. At all-times Jesus protects those in His flock, we too must do the same. Share on X

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