Luke 11:23 – March 11, 2021

Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. Luke 11:23 NABRE           

Jesus heals someone by driving out a demon. Those who witness this healing, challenge Jesus saying He has done this deed through the power of Beelzebul, this is the name for the Prince of Demons, or Satan. Jesus responds by indicating what He does He does by the finger of God. Jesus is saying it is the power of God at work in His miracles and thus the Kingdom of God has come upon them. Jesus tells a short parable about Satan having power but Jesus’ power is stronger, mightier as John the Baptist indicated about Jesus, because Jesus has the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus overcomes Satan and distributes the spoils. So we must decide, if we know Jesus we must choose Jesus. If we know Jesus and do not choose Jesus then we are against Jesus and we do not gather but we scatter. Jesus is looking for active followers, either you work for Jesus’ mission or you are against Him. We must make a decision about our actions, do the work of Jesus or if we remain passive we are deemed against Jesus. Doing nothing is unacceptable.

In life we seem to need a real push to actively follow a movement. We saw many protests over the summer of 2020 in the USA for a Black Lives Matter movement. While there were many protesting, there were many more who supported the movement from their easy chairs, twitter accounts and with little activity. Real movements require passion and action. Jesus spoke to this, we must move to be part of the Jesus movement. When we are passionate about a movement we get involved, be passionate about Jesus. 

Are you neutral about Jesus’ mission? Do you trust, doing nothing for Jesus that you will be ok?

Real movements require passion and action. Jesus spoke to this, we must move to be part of the Jesus movement. When we are passionate about a movement we get involved, be passionate about Jesus. Share on X

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