Matthew 5:18 – March 10, 2021

Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place. Matthew 5:18 NABRE           

Jesus speaks of the law and prophets, saying He has come to fulfill them. Jesus is bringing the realization of all the scriptures together in Himself. Jesus is the fulfillment of all the law and the prophets and He will fulfil every part of the law, even the smallest letter, eternally.  Jesus is the authoritative interpreter of the Torah, transcending some traditional understandings of the law and revealing that to which the law is ultimately directed. Jesus is a higher standard than that which is expressed in the law, He is the standard that God intends for all His people. It requires setting aside our own rights in the law to practice charity in imitation of Jesus. The law itself is not abolished, but its role changes as Christ brings forth its deeper meaning. The law remains, it retains its status as God’s revealed word and we must teach and obey its commandments; but as disciples we now follow the law in light of Christ’s authoritative interpretation.  

The law has been used to establish boundaries, to ready our heart of all God needs from us to be faithful followers. But Jesus challenges us to go beyond the law, to love is to sacrifice what we justly deserve and give generously to someone who may not deserve by the standard of law but needs what we have. We cannot love if we claim our right in the law while others suffer. Jesus’ fulfillment in the law raises the stakes and requires much more of us than simply living within the law. 

Do you use the law for protection? Are you able to give what is yours in the law for the love others?

We cannot love if we claim our right in the law while others suffer. Jesus' fulfillment in the law raises the stakes and requires much more of us than simply living within the law. Share on X

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