Matthew 23:8 – March 2, 2021

As for you, do not be called ‘Rabbi.’ You have but one teacher, and you are all brothers. Matthew 23:8 NABRE           

Jesus is engaging adversaries in the temple courts, being challenged and responding. He addresses the hypocrisy of the religious leadership, including how they do more for show and sympathy than having actual transformation in their heart. The leaders like being in the seat of honor, having power and regard from those “below” them. But Jesus warns against seeking to be exalted over others. The faithful should not desire to be called “Rabbi” or “Master” (basically teacher) for all true instruction comes from Christ. We should not hope to be called father since our true Father is Divine. There are differences between us all, every follower unique with a unique call to serve God, but as disciples we are all equals. We are all in fellowship, brothers and sisters serving one God, Christ and the Spirit. Jesus stresses that humility is necessary. As disciples we will all share in the mission of Jesus, no role to small and no role more important than all the others. Jesus uses the religious leadership of the time, the Temple system to say this is not the way it should be done for His followers. 

There is not one authority over all except our Father in heaven. In the church there are many roles, some roles on a human level might seem superior to others, but in the eyes of the Divine there is no superior positions, we are all servants. Don’t seek to be called some special title, seek to do what God needs you to do with all humility and love. 

What is your role in the mission of Jesus? Do you see church people declaring themselves exalted?

In the eyes of the Divine there is no superior positions, we are all servants. Don't seek to be called some special title, seek to do what God needs you to do with all humility and love. Share on X

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