New Shoes Needed

New Shoes Needed

Tuesday I was driving past a location that serves lunchtime meals to those in need. It is a regular program and attracts various people in need including those who haven’t a home. Walking down the road was a man who I discovered is named Terrance. Terrance had one shoe and his other foot was bare. Without much thought I asked if he needed shoes and he quickly said, yes, do you have a pair. All I had was what I was wearing, but I was driving home and could find another pair easily, so I was offering what I had on. (see Matthew 25:35:36)

As I pulled over and began to take off my shoes he realized what I was offering and looked at me somewhat surprised, saying he didn’t want to take my shoes. I said it was ok I could get another pair. Next Terrance said those looked too small and he jokingly asked if I had a pair of Air Jordan’s size eleven. I didn’t but what I was offering was size eleven, so they should fit. Finally Terrance unable to diplomatically refuse my shoes looked at me and said actually it looks like you need a new pair of shoes yourself. We both laughed out loud and I finally realized what I was offering wouldn’t work for him. We chatted for a while and I discovered he thought he knew where he left is other shoe and was heading off to see if he could find it.

I took my old beat up shoes and headed home still laughing to myself. It was nice to talk to Terrance and discover sometimes good intentions are not always so good that they get accepted. I always learn something when I encounter the materially poor, though I feel Terrance was intellectually and spiritually rich. And maybe he is right, I might need a new pair of shoes.

I always learn something when I encounter the materially poor, though I feel Terrance was intellectually and spiritually rich. Share on X

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