Mark 6:56 – February 8, 2021

Whatever villages or towns or countryside he entered, they laid the sick in the marketplaces and begged him that they might touch only the tassel on his cloak; and as many as touched it were healed. Mark 6:56 NABRE           

Jesus travels from village to village sharing the message of the kingdom of God. Wherever He arrives, He is recognized by the people and it is seen as an opportunity to bring out their sick family members and friends and place them before Jesus for healing. Interestingly, the market place which was a place of commercial business and likely every other kind of activity in community life now becomes a place of encounter with Jesus. Jesus did not go to the synagogues or churches of the time, He went to where the people where. He shared His message wherever He could and because of their faith, people are healed. We read in the text, people simply touched His tassel. There is no special healing power in the tassels, it is the faith of the people that heals them, some translations read saves. For Jesus being saved is synonymous with being healed. The tassels were part of the shawl a Jewish man would wear, (see Numbers 15:38-39) but for purposes here the text is basically saying the people only have to touch the very edge of His cloak and it is enough for healing. It is a belief; their faith in Jesus told them He could heal, their action, touching the cloak, told God they believe. 

Do we have the faith of these people? Following Jesus doesn’t require great intelligence or knowledge, faith is all that is required. Taking faith and putting it into action indicates our faith is strong, our belief is in our head and our heart. You can be healed, touch Jesus, He reaches back to touch you. 

Do you have a strong faith? How do you show your belief? 

Following Jesus doesn't require great intelligence or knowledge, faith is all that is required. Taking faith and putting it into action indicates our faith is strong, our belief is in our head and our heart. Share on X

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