Mark 6:7-8 – February 4, 2021

He summoned the Twelve and began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over unclean spirits. He instructed them to take nothing for the journey but a walking stick-no food, no sack, no money in their belts. Mark 6:7-8 NABRE           

Jesus begins His public ministry selecting disciples and then He takes time to teach them, with His words and the way He lives. When Jesus believes the timing is right He sends His disciples out to be missionaries. He sends them two by two, it is much better to have a partner when witnessing to the message of Jesus. A missionary on their own could be discouraged or fall into temptation, with a partner each can lift the other up. Jesus doesn’t give much instruction on what to do but does give them power over unclean spirits. He sends them without food, money or a sack to carry provisions. Jesus’ message is that we should depend wholly on God, thus sending His disciples with nothing they become witnesses to their dependence on God. Not only is this a good witness but it also teaches the disciples this dependence, they will learn to trust and depend on God and it keeps them free to do the work of God rather than care on their earthly needs. Also traveling without food or provisions allows the disciples to depend on hospitality of those who they are ministering, an important message in the early work of the disciples. Finally their lack of food and resources lends credibility to the message that all people should depend on God. 

This lesson is for us, depending on God will lead to us being taken care of by God. The more we depend on God the more we are free to do God’s work, and we become witnesses to God and His love for each of us. God cares for us and will take care of us. 

Do you depend on God? What will people determine about God seeing your life? 

The more we depend on God the more we are free to do God's work, and we become witnesses to God and His love for each of us. God cares for us and will take care of us. Share on X

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