Ephesians 4:2 – January 30, 3021

with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another through love, Ephesians 4:2 NABRE           

Paul writing to the community at Ephesus addresses community versus individual living. Paul exhorts us to depend on the community, we should be united in Christ. We are united because we are one body, one Spirit, called to one hope, to one Lord, to have one faith, one baptism and one God the Father of all. As one community we must adapt a pattern of conduct corresponding to the call of a Christian. We should make ourselves, low, having humility for the sake of unity. Humility was a despised attribute until Christians adopted this attitude. It is through humility we can lift others up. Jesus adapted the attitude of humility through His incarnation and the cross. We too should have humility to serve the greater good. We should be gentle, an attitude of meekness. We are not to be too angry nor should we avoid necessary anger. Gentleness is a virtue of a peacemaker, having an inner strength to not retaliate when provoked but also able to correct another when necessary. We should also be patient, having a slow temper. For the sake of unity we put up with other’s faults and odd behaviors, never reacting but acting for the greater good. Paul is stressing that we love one another and so we lift others, we help others and we overlook their faults when possible.

The way to a united community is to be humble, gentle and patient. A united community attracts others and grows the kingdom of God, our primary task as Christians. Following Jesus means we want others to walk with Jesus with humility, gentleness and patience, it is the way of a disciple and it is the way to bring the kingdom of God to ourselves and others. 

Do you seek unity? Are you willing to forego your own desires to build the kingdom of God?

Following Jesus means we want others to walk with Jesus with humility, gentleness and patience, it is the way of a disciple and it is the way to bring the kingdom of God to ourselves and others. Share on X

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