Mark 9:35 – January 29, 2021

Then he sat down, called the Twelve, and said to them, “If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.” Mark 9:35 NABRE            

Jesus and His disciples are traveling back to Capernaum, their home base during Jesus’ public ministry. As they traveled the disciples argued amongst themselves about who is the greatest. Jesus challenges them about what they were discussing, asking to hear what they were saying, but they remained silent. Jesus took the opportunity to teach another lesson on discipleship. Jesus has a different view of leadership than what was commonly held at the time. There were those who were leaders in Galilee and they had power and prestige. But for Jesus the only way to have power and prestige, to be a leader is to turn the common understanding of leadership on its head. To be first in Jesus mind you have to put yourself last. For Jesus this is not something symbolic but it has to be put into action, the one who desires to lead must be servant to all. It is common that those in authority can expect to be served an honored, no one would aspire to be a servant. However, Jesus calls all His disciples, His followers to put others first, to be servant to all. Jesus lived this principle Himself, any interaction with Jesus could be viewed as Jesus serving the other, not demanding respect or honor, rather He was caring, making the other the priority. Jesus lived this example with His Father, who Jesus put first always. 

We live in a time when power seems to be about aggression, putting others down, dominating others. These are attitudes of American culture, not Christian culture. To be Christian means to be humble, to be meek, to care more for others than we do for ourselves. Being last for Jesus makes us first in Jesus eyes. 

Are you servant to all? Do you care for others more than yourself?

To be Christian means to be humble, to be meek, to care more for others than we do for ourselves. Being last for Jesus makes us first in Jesus eyes. Share on X

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