Mark 2:27-28 – January 19, 2021

Then he said to them, “The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath. That is why the Son of Man is lord even of the sabbath.” Mark 2:27-28 NABRE           

Mark tells of a time when Jesus and His disciples were so busy fulfilling their mission that there was no time to stop and eat. So while they are walking through a field of grain they pluck off the grain, rub the husks off with their hands and eat the ripe kernels of wheat. It is the equivalent to a modern day snack, or eating on the run. Jesus sees His mission as so important they don’t even take a day off on the sabbath, they continue to travel from village to village, healing and sharing the message of God. The religious authorities who are constantly watching Jesus, looking for a reason to discredit Him, challenge Jesus for allowing His disciples to “work” on the sabbath. They strictly interrupt the law that forbids working on the sabbath, including reaping the harvest. Jesus doesn’t accept their challenge or declare a misinterpretation of the law, instead He indicates that the requirements of His mission take precedents over the requirements of the law. Jesus goes on to declare that the sabbath is intended to give humanity rest from their work, to declare that there is something more important than working in human endeavors to live. To rest in communion with God is fulfilling a purpose God has instituted from the creation of the world. Jesus knows this because He is the Lord of all things even the sabbath. 

Jesus was present when the day of rest was created and He knows its purpose. As the one who created the day of rest He can declare what is right and what breaks the command of God. Certainly feeding hungry workers is not a sabbath break. 

Do you see flexibility in church law for appropriate interpretation? Do you take a rest day each week? 

Jesus as the one who created the day of rest can declare what is right and what breaks the command of God. Certainly feeding hungry workers is not a sabbath break. Share on X

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