Luke 21:33 – November 27, 2020

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. Luke 21:33 NABRE           

Jesus is teaching a parable about signs; when you see trees begin to bud then you know that summer is coming. Jesus follows this lesson up indicating when you begin to see certain signs then you will know the kingdom of God is near. Jesus previously spoke about what these signs may be and He indicated they may be very close to the ending event so we may not have time to do anything to change behavior or repent. Jesus wants people to be ready for the kingdom of God, in fact Jesus wants everyone to help usher in the kingdom. In order to do so we must listen to the words of Jesus. To make this point Jesus declares that heaven and earth will pass away. This might surprise us, something as stable as the earth and even more stable in our minds is heaven, will go away. Surprising, but if we accept Jesus’ next statement we must accept that these will pass away. Jesus says His words will not pass away. Jesus words are more firm, more permanent than heaven and earth. Jesus emphasizes just how certain His words are, everlasting words it seems. If His words never pass away we have to accept that the earth and heaven will pass away. In fact we should take a hard look at all Jesus’ words and rediscover their importance.

Love your enemy, pray for those who persecute you, feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, visit the ill or imprisoned, clothe the naked, turn the other cheek, the last will be first, love God, love others and so many other words that are more firm and more important than even heaven or the earth. If Jesus words are more true and permanent than heaven or earth than they are worthy to be believed permanently.  

What words of Jesus do you take most seriously? What words do you find difficult to follow?

If Jesus words are more true and permanent than heaven or earth than they are worthy to be believed permanently. Share on X

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