Luke 21:8 – November 24, 2020

He answered, “See that you not be deceived, for many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am he,’ and ‘The time has come.’ Do not follow them!” Luke 21:8 NABRE           

Some are admiring the temple, its beauty and adornment. Jesus has been teaching in the temple and begins teaching about the temple and its impending destruction. Jesus spoke earlier about the devastation of Jerusalem and begins to tell those listening that not a stone will be left standing upon another stone in the temple. Everything will be thrown down. During a siege of Jerusalem by Roman general Titus in AD 70, the temple and its surrounding courts were consumed by fire. Those listening ask Jesus what sign will be given so they may know when these events will occur. Jesus describes persecutions that must happen first and gives warning not to follow or be deceived by the many who will purport to come in His name, claiming “I am he.” There were those false prophets promising deliverance at the time of the Roman siege. Through the centuries there have been others who have made similar claims of deliverance and freedom. Jesus warns we should not follow or be deceived by false prophets, saying, “I am he” and announcing “the time has come.” There is a mystique about end time predictions, which seem to capture the sense of many who maybe are dissatisfied with the way things are going in their life or perhaps wouldn’t mind some kind of change. 

Followers of Jesus are not fooled by these predications and claims, they know life with Jesus now cannot be improved upon by a life which offers the allurement of change. Jesus followers will be hated because of Him, but not a hair on their heads will be harmed, living a life of perseverance will provide a secure life. Follow Jesus and your life will be joy filled and eternal. 

Are you attracted to end times stories? Is your life satisfying now?

Jesus followers will be hated because of Him, but not a hair on their heads will be harmed, living a life of perseverance will provide a secure life. Follow Jesus and your life will be joy filled and eternal. Share on X

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