Mark 11:9 – November 22, 2020

Those preceding him as well as those following kept crying out: “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” Mark 11:9 NABRE           

Mark describes Jesus’ triumphal entrance into the city of Jerusalem, the last time He will enter the city. Jesus is received like a king. Sending two disciples ahead to make preparations, being very aware of all that is going to happen. The disciples find a colt as Jesus describes, and they retrieve it for His entrance. A king riding a colt into the city is a sign of humility and peace, compared to a warrior coming into the city on a stallion, indicating power with potential for conflict and war. Much of Jesus’ entry into the city is to fulfill prophecies about the Messiah, He is called Lord, cloaks are laid in the road as a gesture of homage, the people are cheering and worshiping, proclaiming Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna is a call for salvation, it means save us. But here it is being used as a worshipful proclamation like Hallelujah. It is followed by a common worship greeting, one proclaimed as pilgrims process into the temple for a festival. It comes from Psalm 118 the closing to the great Hallel, prayers of praise through the psalms. It is so appropriate in this case because Jesus is coming in God’s name, as God’s faithful representative who will perfectly accomplish God’s will. Jesus is the hope of the people, but while they are triumphant at His entry, soon after, He is alone with his closest twelve deciding to camp for the night. So it was a great show of the king coming, but the people are not ready to understand the full significance of Jesus presence in the city and the salvation He brings. 

We must see the signs and be ready to accept Jesus! Stay awake, be ready!  

Are you ready to accept the Lord? Do you come in the name of the Lord?

We must see the signs and be ready to accept Jesus! Stay awake, be ready! Jesus is the one who comes in the name of the Lord. Share on X

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