1 Peter 3:8 – September 13, 2020

Finally, all of you, be of one mind, sympathetic, loving toward one another, compassionate, humble. 1 Peter 3:8 NABRE           

Peter names five characteristics that ought to mark how all members in the church relate to others in the community. We are called to be of one mind, sympathetic, loving toward one another, compassionate, humble. In the community there needs to be a single mindedness, a mind of unity and a mind of humility. As a community we must have a new way of thinking which includes a transformation to live as God’s people. Next we must be sympathetic, and tenderhearted towards one another. Next we must be loving toward one another, showing mercy and forgiveness especially to those who are the weakest and in the most need. We must have love toward one another as members of the same family, brothers and sisters giving mutual love towards each other. Peter says next we should have compassion for one another, entering into their needs and desires, having empathy for one another. Finally Peter writes we should be humble, Christians should take the lowest place, allowing others to be first. Much as Christ has done His entire life, taking the last place. We can remember Christ’s words, “Thus, the last will be first, and the first will be last.” (Matthew 20:16) It is through our charity that others will know whose we are and who we represent.

If we are not loving one another, not caring for one another, how can we say we represent Christ? To be disciples of Christ we must imitate Christ. Peter’s characteristics are the characteristics of Christ, we must not only embrace them we must live them in such a way that others can only recognize our Christianity. If we internalize these five characteristics, we will become like Christ and be his image in life. 

Are you able to transform into Christ? Will you be an image of Christ on earth?

Peter's shares the characteristics of Christ, we must not only embrace them we must live them in such a way that others can only recognize our Christianity. If we internalize these characteristics, we will become like Christ and be his image in life. Share on X

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