Philippians 2:1-2 – September 14, 2020

If there is any encouragement in Christ, any solace in love, any participation in the Spirit, any compassion and mercy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, with the same love, united in heart, thinking one thing. Philippians 2:1-2 NABRE           

Paul having great trust in the community at Philippi recognizes their good work and is thankful. Paul is encouraging them to act. Encouraged in Christ, they receive consolation, participating (communion, fellowship) in the Spirit, they receive compassion and mercy, so they must act. Paul tells them having these things he is joyful, but they can complete that joy going forward. As a community they must be of the same mind, with the same love, united in heart and thinking one thing. This unity is critical, the oneness of the community, which is them in Christ. Paul does not intend they all think the same or hold the same opinions, but they have the same spirit. If there aim is to honor the Lord Jesus Christ and spread the gospel then any disunity is harmful, unity is paramount even when there are noticeable differences of personality, opinion, interest, and background. As Christians we must be united in the same love and heart. Being a community of love must be visible, knowing unbelievers can come to a Christian and be welcomed as if meeting Christ. Nothing is more important than a united life, seeking to be the face, arms and legs of Christ.

The church is not united today, politics divides us, a non-believer receives a confusing message from the Christian community. We appear to believe it is more important to be National than Christian, or to vote for a particular candidate. In reality it is only Christ who is important. We must be led by Christ not a human politician.  

Are you united in Christ? Are you of one spirit?

Many today believe it is more important to be National than Christian, or to vote for a particular candidate. In reality it is only Christ who is important. We must be led by Christ not a human politician. Share on X

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