Luke 6:5 – September 5, 2020

Then he said to them, “The Son of Man is lord of the sabbath.” Luke 6:5 NABRE           

Jesus and His disciples are going through a field picking grain and rubbing them in their hands and eating them. Pharisees, religious leaders, see them and complain to Jesus that they are acting unlawfully by harvesting grain on the sabbath. The sabbath is to be kept holy, no work is to be done, and harvesting would be considered working. The Pharisees believe disobedience leads to disaster for the entire nation, as has happened in the past. Jesus comes to the defense of the disciples, referring to a time when David took the bread offering from the house of God and shared it with his hungry companions. One lesson is tending to human need is more necessary than keeping the law. But as we see the verse continues and has another important teaching. If David could eat the priest’s bread on the sabbath then Jesus the son of David, whose true identity is the Davidic Messiah, whose authority surpasses David can certainly provide something to eat for His companions on the sabbath. Looking further at Jesus’ response, we can read in scripture that David a king is also a type of priest and so Jesus also unites priest and king. We then read Jesus main lesson, “The Son of Man is the lord of the Sabbath.” This title indicates Jesus divine authority as prophesied by Daniel (see Daniel 7:13-14.) It is God alone who has authority over the sabbath and Jesus is indicating He too has this divine authority over the sabbath. Jesus has dominion over all nations and peoples who will serve Him and His kingship will not pass away.

It is a passage that provides some clarity on who Jesus is, and at the same time provides a view of how we must be ready to serve and be defended by Jesus. 

Do you see Jesus as king and priest? What is your view of the sabbath?

Luke provides a passage that provides some clarity on who Jesus is, and at the same time provides a view of how we must be ready to serve and be defended by Jesus. Share on X

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