Luke 5:10b – September 3, 2020

Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.” Luke 5:10b NABRE           

Jesus is at Lake Gennesaret, looking toward a boat belonging to Simon to go a short distance from the shore. Simon was fishing all night without luck but still he took Jesus out in his boat a short distance from the shore so Jesus could preach to the crowd pressed in along the shore. When Jesus finished speaking He told Simon to put out into the deep and lower his nets for a catch. At first Simon seems to hesitate, telling Jesus that he had fished all night and caught nothing. But at Jesus command Simon does what he is told. When he lowered his nets he caught so many fish he needed help from partners in a second boat to bring the fish to shore. Feeling like a sinner for his negatively Simon fell to his knees and declared Jesus should not be near him. Jesus responds do not be afraid, from now on you will be catching men. Although Jesus had been at Simon’s house previously this is the time of Simon calling. We read in the next verse; “When they brought their boats to the shore, they left everything and followed him.” (Luke 5:11) Peter, John and James, fishing partners had such faith they left their boats, nets, fish, family, everything and followed Jesus. Luke is letting us know in this story that these young men were completely detached from everything they possessed and became faithful followers of Jesus.

Imagine being called to be a disciple of Jesus and leaving everything to follow. I am not sure there is an equivalent image in the world today. Certainly many follow Jesus, but to leave everything would be almost impossible.

Do you drop everything in a moment to do the work of God? Is your schedule full and in control of your life?

Imagine being called to be a disciple of Jesus and leaving everything to follow. I am not sure there is an equivalent image in the world today. Many follow Jesus, but leaving everything is almost impossible. Share on X

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