John 6:29 – August 28, 2020

Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in the one he sent.” John 6:29 NABRE           

After feeding over five thousand people Jesus travels across the sea to Capernaum and those who were fed follow Him. Jesus recognizes they’re following because they were fed and filled. Jesus tells them not to work for food that perishes but work for food that endures for eternal life, which Jesus himself will give them. The people want to know how to accomplish the works of God. Jesus tells them the work of God is that they believe in the one God has sent. It is a wonderful message! God the Father who acts and enables people to believe in their hearts, enabling them to have faith in Jesus. God leads us to faith in Jesus and it readies our hearts to yield to God’s action in us. Our work is to yield to the Father’s work within us and so believe in His Son and receive Him as the source of our eternal life. We only need to yield to God and God will enable our hearts to believe. Many people might have the mistaken idea that it is our job to bring people to faith in Jesus, but we read this is the work of God. Our work is to invite others to meet Jesus, to meet God and once the meeting has been initiated God’s work enables their hearts to believe in the one He sent. God wants us to know and love Jesus and will work with us to come to faith. Once invited to meet Jesus we can allow the work of God to bring us to faith.

Pope Francis recently wrote; “God is mysteriously present in the life of every person, in a way that he himself chooses, and we cannot exclude this by our presumed certainties. Even when someone’s life appears completely wrecked, even when we see it devastated by vices or addictions, God is present there.” (see Gaudete-et-Exsultate “Rejoice and be Glad” #42) Allow God’s work in you!

Do you trust God? Do you allow God to do a work in you?

God wants us to know and love Jesus and will work with us to come to faith. Once invited to meet Jesus we can allow the work of God to bring us to faith. Share on X

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