James 1:18 – July 27, 2020

He willed to give us birth by the word of truth that we may be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures. James 1:18 NABRE           

James wrote about temptation and that God does not tempt us. James explains more about God’s nature and purpose; God is generous, good, giving a new beginning, a new birth. James indicates that those reading the letter should not be deceived. Deception contrasts with wisdom which is from God. James wants us to pray for wisdom and to know wisdom. We must understand God’s will, nature and purpose, so we may conduct ourselves in a manner befitting children of God. Understanding God we must realize truth is paramount. Every perfect gift is from above and God is the source of every gift. God gives generously and ungrudgingly. Among God’s gifts are life, truth, wisdom and the firstfruits of new creation, all of which pertain to salvation and eternal life. God wills our salvation and our life. As the Giver of good God gives the word of truth, the gospel, the good news of Jesus. Through His death and resurrection Jesus has given us the possibility of being freed from our slavery to sin and evil desires. Christ cleanses us from sin through the bath waters of baptism; as we read in the gospel, a new birth.

Thus we become a firstfruits, the first part of the harvest or flock which belongs to God. We are the firstfruits because we are a kind of firstfruits of God’s creatures, we have become a special possession of God, holy and sacred. Thus we are special to God and He wants us to know the truth. Truth is key for our ability to enter into relationship with God, giving us strength to overcome our sinful nature. Living in truth means we are willing to allow all we do, think and believe to be seen by others and of course God. 

Do you receive God’s gifts? Do you live truth?

Truth is key for our ability to enter into relationship with God, giving us strength to overcome our sinful nature. Living in truth means we are willing to allow all we do, think and believe to be seen by others and of course God. Share on X

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