Proverbs 21:3 – May 1, 2020

To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice. Proverbs 21:3 NABRE         

Authorship of this proverb is given to Solomon, known to be wise, particularly after God told him he could have whatever he wishes and asking for wisdom received it from God. This proverb doesn’t seem to make sense for a Christian, after all we consider Jesus’ death on the cross the greatest sacrifice of all time. We are called to sacrifice as Jesus has and offer sacrifice unceasingly. Not sacrifice in the sense of give our lives on the cross (though it may seem that way sometimes) but in doing for others, putting others first, giving our all to help our sister or brother. We sacrifice our desires, our wants, and even sometimes what we need so that others may live. Giving our life for a friend or even a stranger does not always mean dying for that person, but giving life to that person. This is how Jesus lived and we are called to live as he lived, as we should live if we are His disciple. So what is this proverb telling us. It likely has more to do with Jewish ritual sacrifice, offering of a goat or a lamb in the temple or on the altar in a fire, as a means to redeem the relationship with God. This type of sacrifice was common in the days of Solomon and many years following his reign. God would much prefer the people of history acted in a holy and acceptable way, before thinking sacrifice will redeem their relationship with Him. 

We can still see this today, doing what is right is always more important than offering sacrifice. But sometimes offering sacrifice, giving from our own collection to help another is what is right and acceptable to God. We must always recall that God’s greatest desire of us is to love one another and in this way we show love for God.

Do you sacrifice for others? What have you given for the life of another?

Giving from our own collection to help another is what is right and acceptable to God. We must always recall that God's greatest desire of us is to love one another and in this way we show love for God. Share on X

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