2 Corinthians 9:7 – March 24, 2020

Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7 NABRE          

Paul is challenging the Corinthians to be generous in their giving. He reminds them that God has abundantly blessed them and they should be thankful by being generous. God doesn’t provide an abundance so that we may hoard and become rich with this abundance, rather God wants us to use the abundance we are given to do the work of God. Paul is taking a collection to the church in Jerusalem, and he is asking for generosity. He tells the givers that they will be blessed with the prayers of the church in Jerusalem so that their gift will be returned in extraordinary blessing. Although the final gift is a collection, Paul desires that each person be generous, and participate in the community giving in some way. Each person is to give without regret, without sadness. Sadness in giving is the sign of one who let’s go only grudgingly. Each person is to give without compassion. Paul doesn’t want the people to give through some force or pressure, either from what he says or others around them. Paul wants their participation to be with freedom and joy. He goes on to use a verse from Proverbs, God loves a cheerful giver, changing “blesses” to “loves.” (22:9) Paul is revealing that God has a special love for those whose cheerful giving reflects God’s own lavish generosity.

Ultimately all giving comes from God. The gifts we have, the blessings in our life are all a gift from God. When God gives, God hopes we will use His gifts to help others in need, those who can use a hand or help up. God provides that all have all they need, but at times God depends on us to share to make his generosity happen. Always when we give for God we are blessed by God. 

Are you a cheerful giver? Do you give sacrificially?

God provides that all have all they need, but at times God depends on us to share to make his generosity happen. Always when we give for God we are blessed by God. Share on X

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