John 4:44 – March 23, 2020

For Jesus himself testified that a prophet has no honor in his native place. John 4:44 NABRE          

We have Jesus on the move, he is leaving the area of Samaria and heading to Galilee. Jesus says this line that is in one way or another included in all the gospels. A prophet has no honor in his native place. In Mark the quote is, “A prophet is not without honor except in his native place and among his own kin and in his own house.” (Mark 6:4) which is similar to Luke (4:24), and Matthew (13:57.) In those other instances of the quote it is followed up with; Jesus could not do many works, or mighty deeds because of their lack of faith. In John where this quote is placed Jesus would have traveled by Nazareth His hometown, on His way to Galilee, where He lived, and grew. Jesus is telling us these people knew Him, not as a potential Messiah, but as a young boy who helped His father, played with the others boys, is the son of Mary. They knew Him as one of their own, not the Son of God. For this reason they had no faith in His ability to perform miracles, heal the sick, or provide aid to the many that came to Him. It is a profound statement, about faith. If we look at the antithesis, Jesus performing many miracles and healing many, we can assume these people had faith. They thought Jesus was a miracle worker, perhaps the Messiah, even the Son of God and they believed when He said stand and walk they could. Faith is the rock solid healer. 

Jesus makes this point in Matthew (17:20) when he says if we have faith the size of a small seed we can move a mountain. Perhaps all miracles are performed by the one receiving the miracle? In Jesus day the unbelievable was more believable. Today we make things about intelligence, logic and explanation. Today we have less faith and less obvious miracles. 

How solid is your faith? Do you believe in miracles?

In Jesus day the unbelievable was more believable. Today we make things about intelligence, logic and explanation. Today we have less faith and less obvious miracles. Share on X

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