Mark 4:41 – February 1, 2020

They were filled with great awe and said to one another, “Who then is this whom even wind and sea obey?” Mark 4:41 NABRE     

Mark tells the story of Jesus and his disciples crossing the Sea of Galilee after preaching to and feeding a great multitude of people. The boat while crossing entered a great squall with waves breaking over the bow of the boat, and it was filling with water. Meanwhile, Jesus slept. His disciples woke him because they were afraid, in fact they thought they would perish. Jesus woke, rebuked the wind and the wind ceased and a great calm came. Jesus wonders why they were terrified, did they not have faith? But their terror over the wind and squall was nothing at realizing Jesus rebuked the wind. They were filled with a great awe, they had a great respect along with fear and wonder. They were beginning to realize that Jesus really was the Messiah, the one sent by God to bring freedom, liberty, and sight. Although they had turned to Him in their terror they didn’t expect He could command the wind. They know God alone has the power to control the sea, to calm the waves and they looked at Jesus in wonder and awe. 

Awe is a word usually reserved for God. There is no being we can be more in awe of than God. Although in modern vernacular we hear the word awesome almost constantly. It should still be reserved for God. We need to step back to that moment when awe was meant for God alone and we can begin to realize what the disciples were coming to realize about Jesus, he was somehow God. He had to be God to control the sea as they witnessed. Jesus thought of this as nothing more than faith. He has said if we have the faith the size of a mustard seed we can move a mountain, or in this case, calm a sea.

What do you think of Jesus calming the sea? Where is your faith in comparison?

Awe is a word usually reserved for God. There is no being we can be more in awe of than God. Although in modern vernacular we hear the word awesome almost constantly. It should still be reserved for God. Share on X

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