Matthew 5:8 – January 30, 2020

Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God. Matthew 5:8 NABRE     

Jesus provides the beatitudes, they are not commands, or rules but principles that followed lead us to a better life. Jesus tells those listening the beatitudes, a set of principles, are for our best life. They don’t come with a punishment if we fail to follow them, we just don’t live as good as we could. The quoted verse is a prime example of a beatitude that if we follow will make our life better. The beatitudes are also not something that happen in the future, they are principles that we can live and fulfill now. They begin, “Blessed” which means we will be happy. For example, happy are the clean of heart. We have heard this as pure of heart as well. To have a clean heart, or a pure heart means we don’t let evil, hated, selfishness, self-centeredness, or anything that could make us unhappy enter our heart. When our heart is pure we see only the good, in fact as the beatitude goes on to say, we see God, only. A pure heart, sees God. Imagine a scenario where you are driving and some aggressive driver cuts you off and goes on their way without acknowledging you. You can get angry and think badly of them, or you can keep your heart pure, see that it is God driving the other car and imagine there is a reason for their hurry. When we see God in the other, we see God more and more in all others. This is the pure heart, when we see God everywhere.

A clean heart should be our goal. We learn that more than fifty percent of men claiming to be Christian look at porn. Looking at porn is not anything that will work, we seek relationship which we cannot obtain looking at pictures. Rather than seek porn, turn your heart to purity and see God, the great relationship. 

Do you strive for a clean heart? Do you protect your heart for all you are worth?

When we see God in the other, we see God more and more in all others. This is the pure heart, when we see God everywhere. Share on X

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