Romans 1:17 – October 31, 2019

For in it is revealed the righteousness of God from faith to faith; as it is written, “The one who is righteous by faith will live.” Romans 1:17 NABRE     

Paul is boldly speaking about the gospel, the Good News that shares the message of Jesus. Jesus comes and tells us about the Father, the love of the Father and challenges us to love the Father in return. He also challenges us to love one another, because we are loved by the Father, we should love those whom the Father loves. Prior to the quoted verse Paul says, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel. It is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: …” (Romans 1:16) Paul has seen the grace from God delivered in action, likely people healed, people converted, people willing to die for the truth of the gospel. The gospel is salvation for everyone who believes. Through the gospel we are made righteous, in right relationship with God, we know how to please God and we especially know to serve God and be open to the Will of God. We the beloved of God show our belovedness by accepting what God needs us to live and do. Paul proclaims he is not ashamed of doing what God wants him to do. It is from faith to faith, faith beginning with God, sown through Jesus Christ and accepted by us, who demonstrate our faith through belief and action. Paul then quotes from Habakkuk (2:4) when he prophesied the impending doom to come upon the people through the Babylonians, but that those who have faith in God will survive. We too will live by our faith in the gospel.

Our desire is to be the righteous of God, and we can be through faith and revealing our standing with the gospel. The gospel is our Good News, it invites us to a life of eternal joy. 

Are you ashamed of the gospel or do you proclaim it through your life? Do you have faith received from God?

Our desire is to be the righteous of God, and we can be through faith and revealing our standing with the gospel. The gospel is our Good News, it invites us to a life of eternal joy. Share on X

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