Luke 11:28 – October 12, 2019

He replied, “Rather, blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it.” Luke 11:28 NABRE     

Jesus begins by teaching his disciples about prayer and the answer to prayer. As he is teaching them a crowd forms. He speaks about driving out demons and is interrupted by a woman who calls out, “Blessed is the womb that carried you and the breasts at which you nursed.” (Luke 11:27) She is honoring Jesus’ mother, her words are similar to what Mary said herself when she visits Elizabeth her cousin. Mary’s Canticle a prayer Mary spoke includes; “all ages will call me blessed” (Luke 1:48) It is a prayer similar to Hannah’s prayer after she is blessed with her son Samuel. (1 Samuel 2:1-10) Both women, Mary, Jesus mother and Hannah, Samuel’s mother are honored because they heard the word of God and believed. Jesus’ response addresses this more fundamental message, blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it. “Blessed” is a way of saying happy or fortunate for those receiving the message. It is not clear what comes with the happiness but when God blesses there can be no better happiness rewarded. Anyone who first listens to hear God and hearing God goes without question to do whatever God has told them to do, they will be blessed. In the case of Mary and Hannah these woman are honored and remembered as models for thousands of years with no end in sight.

Listening to God and hearing God’s word brings us happiness. I challenge you to try it. Find an hour in your day and sit quietly listening. If you feel you must speak to center yourself speak the words of Jesus, “blessed are those who hear the word of God”, repeating them as a mantra. Even if you don’t hear God specifically, afterwards you will be happier then when you began.

Have you experienced God’s happiness from prayer? Have you received blessings from God?

Listening to God and hearing God's word brings us happiness. I challenge you to try it. Find an hour in your day and sit quietly listening. Share on X

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