1 Peter 1:14-15 – October 11, 2019

Like obedient children, do not act in compliance with the desires of your former ignorance but, as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in every aspect of your conduct, 1 Peter 1:14-15 NABRE     

Peter is writing a circular letter that will be delivered to multiple communities and read during assembly. The aim of the letter is to teach new Christians, likely from Gentile descent, their identity in Christ. In other words what is expected of them and how to relate to others inside and outside the church. The letter will also inform them that they should be ready to suffer afflictions for their faith. This new way of life, Peter tells them in the quoted verse, comes with a call to live holiness in their conduct. Like obedient children they are to listen to and follow the will of the Father. They should no longer act as they did before they were called children of God and followers of Christ, there old lives should be put behind them. They are in fact called to be holy in every aspect of their conduct. This means they are to be holy in their behavior, their values, the normal day to day living, and in all things they commit their lives to, every aspect of their life should change to be like Christ. They are not only living to be holy followers of Jesus but by their lives should be a witness or an influence to others who see them live and say I want to be like them. A disciple of Jesus makes more conversions to the Christian life by their living than any words they may use towards evangelization. It is by our love they will know we are Christians.

Peter’s exhortation applies to us today. We are obedient children listening to God’s will. Every aspect of our life defines who we are, thus we should be seen as holy examples of a Jesus follower.

Do you live an obedient, holy life? Do you live as a child of God?

We are obedient children listening to God's will. Every aspect of our life defines who we are, thus we should be seen as holy examples of a Jesus follower. Share on X

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