Philippians 2:5 – October 6, 2019

Have among yourselves the same attitude that is also yours in Christ Jesus, Philippians 2:5 NABRE     

Paul is challenging the community at Philippi, have the same attitude as Jesus, we are challenged as well. What attitude specifically does Paul mean? Just prior to the quoted verse Paul names attitudes. The first is encouragement, this community has been encouraging Paul, we too should encourage one another, particularly when going through difficulty. Christ is an encourager, with a positive, hopeful view. The community has experienced and shared solace in love, a way of consoling one another, another of Christ attributes. The community are a people who participate (are in communion) with one another, they have a unity that is a gift of the Spirit. Paul mentions compassion and mercy. Christ’s compassion is for all, and he lives to enter into life with others, the true meaning of compassion. When it comes to mercy Christ is the new standard, never holding us strictly to account, but always giving us another chance. These are the attitudes of Christ we are called to have among one another; encouragement, solace, participation, compassion and mercy. When we are in Christ Jesus, His grace helps us have these attitudes. We also have the strength of the Spirit dwelling in us. Meeting Christians, others should be able to recognize us from our attitudes. Showing a small sign is nice, a cross on a chain around our neck, a Christian tee shirt, hat or jacket. But mostly people should know we are followers of Jesus because we act like Jesus.

In all things we do we should test it against our desires to please Jesus. Paul writes “And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus,” (Colossians 3:17) If we do all in the name of Jesus than we can be sure our best will be given. 

Do you have the attitude of Christ? Do you do all in Jesus name?

Showing a small sign is nice, a cross on a chain around our neck, a Christian tee shirt, hat or jacket. But mostly people should know we are followers of Jesus because we act like Jesus. Share on X

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