Job 19:25 – September 28, 2019

As for me, I know that my vindicator lives, and that he will at last stand forth upon the dust. Job 19:25 NABRE     

The book of Job takes its name from the central character, an upright man, who suffers a whole series of terrible reverses in which he loses his property, his family and even his health. In these reduced circumstances he engages in a discussion with three friends. They try to reason with him and show him where he went wrong. After they made their points God Himself joins in and shows Job that he has a lot to learn. At the end, Job is acknowledged to be upright in every way, and he is blessed with a new family and with a fortune greater than the one he lost. After a long and happy life he dies surrounded by esteem and honor. The quoted verse is one most often referred to by Christians as a profession of faith in the resurrection of the dead (with verses 26 and 27.) An extraordinary being is coming to Job’s rescue. God is this vindicator or redeemer. Christians see Job has faith in this vindicator, despite the fact it seems God is the one who has ill-treated and humiliated him. Despite his circumstances and how he has arrived at them, Job knows it is only God who can change the situation if He wills, and rehabilitate Job in the eyes of all to see. Only through Christ can humanity be redeemed, restored and this is what Job perceived with his eyes of faith.

Many times we blame God for our poor circumstances, calling out; how could it be? At the same time our faith knows only God can save us, lift us up. Hoping for an improved situation we allow our faith in God’s redemption to be stronger than anything else that has occurred. We believe and hope God wants our best. 

Do you seek God to improve bad situations? When life is going wrong or in a bad direction do you look to blame or seek help?

Many times we blame God for our poor circumstances, calling out; how could it be? At the same time our faith knows only God can save us, lift us up. Share on X

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